Ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus (womb), vagina and mammary glands. COCCYX (tailbone) {kok-siks}; pertaining to the coccyx. Study of diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders, Physician who studies and treats diseases of the eye, Instrument used to examine the interior of the eye. Long fibrous extensions, carries/conducts ELECTRICAL IMPULSES throughout body. Medical terminology chapter 1 test quizlet e … Pancreas is so named because of its fleshy appearance. Medical terminology follows the same structural rules all language does, including use of prefixes and suffixes. RIGHT & LEFT regions of abdomen groin area; Someone who cannot sleep; fall asleep and stay asleep. RECORD of electrical activity of the myocardium (heart muscle), INSTRUMENT records electrical activity inside brain. Both Abdominal and Pelvic cavities, not separate. Medical Terminology: The Best and Most Effective Way to Memorize, Pronounce and Understand Medical Terms: Second Edition David Andersson. Pertaining to FEMUR, thigh bone (longest bone in body). Transformation or dramatic CHANGE, mutation. TRANSFERRING blood from one person to another, Pertaining to ACROSS or through the LIVER, TransUrethral Resection of Prostate gland (TURP), Portion of prostate gland removed with Rectoscope instrument passes through urethra, treats BPH, Horizontal cross-section, divides into upper and lower. Medical Terminology- Word Building Reference. It is essential for every medical practitioner to know most of the terminologies that are used in hospitals. Skin, hair, nails, sweat glands, sebaceous oil glands; SPLEEN: filters blood; part of lymphatic system. Thoracic cavity (location and 5 structures) (tho-RAS-ik), CLOT cell, clotting blood platelet; clumping, Inflammation of a VEIN associated with a CLOT formation, Surgical puncture of area btwen CHEST & LUNGS with needle to obtain fluid from pleural cavity. PHOTO of chromosome pairs of a cell arranged by size, shape, & number. V shaped bones formed from 5 vertebrea, Area between hip, state of, condition (diagnosis, prognosis). BEHIND the peritoneum (membranes that line abdominal wall), BURST forth, break, flow profusely, HEMORRHAGE. The term was once used for the prostate gland. Study State the Terminology for the Following Root, Prefixes & Suffixes Flashcards Flashcards at ProProfs - Can you state the following terminology for the following root prefixes and suffixes? For example, the word “neuroblastoma” can be broken down this way: “Neuro” - … But fair warning, it may be harder than you think! Pertaining to middle upper region above the stomach, Adrenal medulla secretes ADRENALINE in response to stress, EpiThelial Cell and EpiThelial Tissue (description & function), layer of skin cells forming outer and inner surfaces of body. Surgical excision & removal of the breast, Connective tissue disorder marked by tall, thin body, ENLONGATED head and heart, Centrally, MIDLINE located space between lungs. TUMOR, mass, swelling, collection of fluid. Rh- mothers antibodies attack and destroy embryo's Rh+ RBC, embryo attempts to compensate for loss by making many new immature RBC called Erythroblasts. Visual examination of urinary BLADDER using a cystoscope. Most medical terms consist of three basic components: the root word (the base of the term), prefixes (in front of the root word), and suffixes (at the end of the root word). Test your knowledge in medical terminology by answering these questions. Master today's medical … Bone tissue protects the spinal cord and supports the head and body; consists of 26 vertebrae. Material within cell, excluding nucleus, enclosed by cell membrane. It is used to precisely describe the human body components, processes, illnesses, medical procedures, and pharmacology. URETHRA (tube leading from the bladder to the outside of the body). Surgical transplant of the cornea. Basic structural unit of organisms, smallest unit of life. (Pertaining to) Newborn timeperiod, birth to 28 days. all terms this year Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. skin. Inflammation of the liver caused by virus or toxin. Abnormal forward (before) bending of organ, Blood VESSELS carry blood AWAY from heart. Artificial body part, a substitute for a diseased or missing body part. Medical Terms/ Prefix & Suffix. Word building reference and Medical terminology is composed of a prefix, root word, and suffix. Answer these questions about medical terminology, and find out if all of your hard work has been paying off. Instrument used for listening to internal body SOUNDS. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. Puncture abdomen to obtain fluid for culture or to relieve pressure. Development of DISEASE or abnormal condition. Removing pathogens that cause INFECTION/disease, Temporary CESSATION of BREATHING, skipped breaths. Play Medical Terminology quizzes on Sporcle, the world's largest quiz community. INSTRUMENT for visual examination of internal structures, lens and light. Heart, blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries), lymphatic vessels and nodes, spleen, thymus gland. Medical practitioner specializing in diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. Tap again to see term . Inflammation of the tympanic membrane. Paperback. Abbreviations, acronyms, and medical terminology are used for many conditions, and for instructions on medication prescribed by your doctor. Tap card to see definition . Provide energy for the cell, use nutrients and oxygen to release energy. Abnormal disruption of connection between nerve and muscle. Click card to see definition . (inner) MEMBRANE lining of heart cavities, Physician who studies and treats diseases of endocrine system. Flat shaped pad of CARTILAGE between vertebrae; intervertebral disk. Letter A. SMALLEST kind of VEIN, connects cappillaries w/ larger systemic veins. Quiz: Test your knowledge of medical terminology. Controls the operations of the cell (division), structure, & function; DNA. Ultrasound (SOUND waves) of deep organs or tissue structures. Do you want to test out which basic medic terminologies you are yet to hear so far? inflammation of SPINAL CORD or bone marrow, Malignant tumor of SPINAL CORD or bone marrow, MALIGNANT tumor of muscle tissue, cancerous. Yellowing of skin and eyes due to RBC breaking down & producing hemoglobin bilirubin. Cram.com makes it easy to get the grade you want! Medical suffixes are attached at the end of a medical word root to change its meaning. Pertaining to the NAVAL, belly button, umbilicus. Medical Terminology Quiz on Suffixes. If you struggle with grammar, these flashcards can help. Objective vs Subjective; Examiner's findings vs patient perception, Any cells in the BODY other than reproductive cells, IMAGE of fetus formed using reflected SOUND waves, ultrasound. Signs & Symptoms BEFORE illness, signal onset. Medical Terminology For Dummies Beverley Henderson. PREFIX... indicating posterior, situated behind, toward the back. ONE large NUCLEOUS and only a few granules in their cytoplasm. Tap card to see definition . Medical Dictionary is intended for use by healthcare consumers, students, and professionals as well as anyone who wants to keep up with the burgeoning array of terminology found in today’s medical news. a transplant using bone marrow or an organ from a donor. Start studying Medical Terminology Abbreviations. Basic Medical Terms While attending an appointment with a physician, often, it is difficult to understand exactly what information the doctor is trying to relay. Cocci (berry shapted bacteria) growing in PAIRS. Overproduction of PITUITARY growth hormone. OphthalmOlogist (of-thal-MOL-o-jist) Physician who studies … Because doctors are familiar with all medical terms, at times, they may not realize when a patient is unfamiliar with a particular term that they are using. Muscular tube, connects mouth to stomach; INNER swallowing tube. Axill/o (AK-si-l/o), Axilla; AxillaRy (AK-si-lar-e), UNDERARM (armpit); pertaining to Underarm/ armpit, Back divisions: Sacral (relating to the Sacrum bone), Back divisions: Coccygeal (relating to the Coccyx). Physician who studies and treats diseases of women's reproductive system. Leukocytes, a type of Granulocyte (dark granules) stained RED. Start learning today with flashcards, games and learning tools — all for free. Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the NOSE. Endocrine gland surrounds trachea in neck, TONSILS (lymphoid tissue- help FILTER entrance to respiratory system). TRANSPORTATION system of cell, MOVES materials in cell. NEAR, beside, alongside of, resembling, beyond, apart from, and abnormal. Painful inflammation and stiffness of joints. clotted BLEEDing outside of vessel, BRUISE; collection of blood. Autopsy, examination of a body after DEATH. Fun. Pus-forming bacteria that grow in CLUSTERS (grapelike). 4. Medical terminology exam quizlet When the prefixes are detached from a term, it is followed by a hyphen (-). Tap again to see term . gland in males, contributes to SEMINAL FLUID. The centermost abdominal region, includes the umbilicus (navel, belly button structure). Frequent discharge of watery, liquid stool (no breakdown). Medical prefixes and suffixes. Study Flashcards On Medical Terminology: Chapters 1-3: Quiz 1 at Cram.com. See also our post on Medical Abbreviations and Anatomy and Physiology Questions. 3. Tap card to see definition . Study of the microscopic structure of tissues, WATER in the kidney (causing swelling- abnormal condition). Malignant tumor of SPINAL CORD/ Bone Marrow cells, cancerous. Gigantism and Acromegaly (results from...). Muscle Cell and Muscle Tissue (description & function). 18. Antigen-antibody condition, develops when difference in Rh blood factor between mother (Rh negative) and fetus (Rh positive). There's a Medical Terminology quiz for everyone. Gas creates space, used during removal or repair of: appendix, gallbladder, adrenal gland, spleen, or ovary (tubal ligation). Distance across a circle through its center. production of gas in the … production of gas in the tissues or organs of the body, Alveol as a cavity means the same thing as a cavity in a tooth, transparent part covering the eyeball, covers iris and pupil by admitting light to the interior, swelling by fluid in cells, tissues, or cavities of the body, wrapping/covering membrane of the brain and spinal cord, name of the membranous cover of the abdominal organs, breaking down of sugars into simpler compounds, surgical procedure cutting a split into an abscess, overgrowth (excessive growth) of the horny layer of the skin, the way energy is made available for use in the body, two bones that form the side walls of the cranium, any cell that ingests microorganisms or other cells and foreign particles, a deposit of material on the surface of a tooth, temporary loss of breathing especially during sleep, an agent such as a drug that calms or reduces excitement, wall that separates chest cavity and abdominal cavity. FEELING (mental state); to bear, carry, experience. Health 103: Medical Terminology Final Exam Take this practice test to check your existing knowledge of the course material. A-, an-: Lack of or without. before or in the front of; in anatomical nomenclature, refers…. Also, test your knowledge in anatomy and physiology. Unspecialized immature cells that undergo metamorphosis to become specialized mature cells. Pertaining to LOWER BACK (loin) and SACRUM, LYMPH (clear fluid in tissue spaces of lymph nodes & vessels). TOXIN, foreign substance that induces an immune response in the body. 7,076 Cards – 65 Decks – 655 Learners Sample Decks: Prefixes, Combining Forms: A - L, Combining Forms: M - Z Show Class Medical Terminology. Scraping away of the skin or mucous membrane by friction. Right Upper quadrant (RUQ), left Upper quadrant (LUQ), Right Lower quadrant (RLQ), Left Lower quadrant (LLQ). Protien acts AGAINST specific antigen (toxin or foreign substance). Physician specializing in the TREATMENT of babies and children, Pelvic cavity (location and 4 structure/organs). Below abdomen; Intestines, Rectum, Urinary Bladder & Reproductive organs. New growth of abnormal tissue, benign or malignant, Physician SPECIALIZING in Kidney diseases (Nephropathy), Study of structure, function, and diseases of kidneys. Hollow muscular organ in female pelvic cavity; here the embryo is nourished and develops before birth. Chemical in chromosomes, directs cell activity. 1. higher than; situated above something else.... 2. better than…. Everyone who has contact with the medical world will be exposed to medical terminology. Pertaining to the Abdomen, stomach; abdominal cavity. Gland that SECRETIONS through tube-like structures called DUCTs to outside of body. 2. Note: None of these questions will appear on the CMA (AAMA) ® Certification Exam and answering them correctly does not guarantee that you will pass the CMA (AAMA) exam. PUBIS, pubic genital region (anterior part of pelvic bone). Test: Chapter 1- Introduction to Medical Terminology | Quizlet 6/9/20, 4:59 Growth & Spread of cancer cells beyond original site, device produces magnified images of structures too small to see with unaided eye. Read these instructions before taking this practice exam. Diplococci invades reproductive organs causing GONORRHEA. Medical Terminology Questions. Click again to see term . Lighted telescopic INSTRUMENT, used during a Laparoscopy. Destroys foreign cells by making antibodies. Search medical terms and abbreviations with the most up-to-date and comprehensive medical dictionary from the reference experts at Merriam-Webster. Urinary DUCT/TUBE leading from the kidney to the urinary bladder, carries urine. Slimy fluid SUBSTANCE secreted by MUCOUS membranes. 1. Give it a try and have fun! bursting forth , bleeding, abnormal excessive fluid discharge. CLOSER to origin or point of attachment of a body part/ limb to the body trunk. ABOVE another structure, pertaining to the head. TRACHEA, windpipe (tube connecting larynx to lungs for airflow); pertaining to the windpipe. Berry-shapped bacterium in twisted chains. V shaped bone formed from 5 vertebrae fused together near the base of the spine. air, gas. Medical Terminology. Surgical instrument used to hold or grasp items, also STOPS blood. FAT COLLECT in VESSEL(artery) and HARDENS. Artificial opening (mouth) into the COLON, Abnormality, irregularity present at birth, Reason AGAINST something; not advisable or should not be done, CRANIUM or skull; pertaining to CRANIUM or skull. the basement membrane. You likely know some of these from words outside the realm of medicine. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Granular leukocyte (WBC), fights infection by engulfing & destroying bacteria. Body's recognition & response to a pathogen attack; antigens (bacteria) enter body and antibodies produces to destroy antigens. First, prefixes and suffixes, most of which are derived from ancient Greek or classical Latin, have a droppable -o-. Dys-: Abnormal, difficult, or painful. Neutrophil (a white blood cell), digests invading bacteria, purple color. Medical Terminology questions are common on these exams, Registered Medical Assistant (RMA), Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) exams. Drooping, sagging, falling; Prolapse, downward displacement. (Nuclear structures absorb COLOR). How to Study Anatomy and Physiology Paraplegia: The Greek para means “beside,” and plegia means “paralysis.”. -pathy. Basic Medical Terminology I. BlepharoPtosis or ptosis (Blef-a-rop-TO-sis), Study of the function and diseases of HEART, Autoimmune disorder characterized by severe reaction to foods containing gluten. Click again to see term . Space within the spinal column (backbone), the spinal cord. Endoscope instrument, view inside of BLADDER. EXCESSIVE sugar in the blood, high blood sugar. Lymphoid tissue in THROAT; trap germs entering mouth. Click card to see definition . Nervous tissue within spinal cavity transmit most messages between the body and brain. CHEMICAL kills bacteria or slows AGAINST their growth without harming body cells. Endocrine: Take endo and add it to the Greek krinein, which means “to separate.”. BREATHING. Softening of the bone, vit D or calcium deficiency. Online Medical Dictionary and glossary with medical definitions, h listing. Multilayered membrane AROUND abdominal cavity, protects and holds organs in place. -ectomy: Surgical removal of something. Quizlet makes simple learning tools that let you study anything Medical terminology exam quizlet. This is a short list of common abbreviations you may have seen on a doctor's notepad; a prescription drug package or bottle; … White blood cell destroys pathogens by engulfing/INGESTing them & breaking down, Incision of VEIN to diminish blood supply. the largest organ of the body. the thickest part of the skin on the hands and feet. person is trained SpecialIST; one who specializes in. Most medical suffixes are Greek and Latin, but some such as -ic are from the English language and thus very familiar to us. Area containing brain, surrounded by CRANIUM/skull. PROCESS of recording electrical activity inside brain. DUCT/TUBE leading from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body through which urine is discharged. Bluish discoloration of the skin. AbdominoPelvic cavity/ Peritoneal cavity (list 4 major organs). 17. The quiz below will test out what you know and don’t. Connection, junction between two pubic bones, Person produces x-ray images for use in diagnosing medical problems, Study of X rays and radioactive substances, & uses in diagnosis and treatment of diseases, Treatment with high-dose radiation to destroy malignant cells in body, DNA patched together from different organisms to produce a certain trait, Improvement or absence of signs of disease. Top Medical Terminology Flashcards Ranked by Quality Med Terminology Med Terminology Flashcard Maker: Languages . Muscular partition separating thorax from abdomen; role in breathing, as its contraction increases the volume of the thorax and so inflates the lungs. Hemolytic Disease of the newborn or Erythroblastosis fetalis. Click card to see definition . When combined, you can define a specific medical term. Abnormal position of organ, bent or tilted BACKwards. 16. Large protiens made from small protiens. ParaThyroid glands (location and function). Deficiency of neutrophils (type of white blood cells). Double-layered connective membrane tissue covers and nourishes the BONE. Fatty plaque, gruellike or pastylike substance. Professor). Pertaining to TREATMENT of CHILDren (under 12). Machine removes waste products from BLOOD, renal/kidney failure. PROTIEN in red blood cells, carries oxygen to cells. Urinary or Excretory System (4 structures), Kidneys, ureters (tubes from kidneys to bladder), urinary bladder, urethra (tube from bladder to outside body). VERTEBRAE (26 small bones make up backbone, spine), Pertaining to spinal column, vertebrae (backbone), Viscer/o, Viscera/o; Viscus (singular), Viscera (plural). Disease of a GLAND or glandular/ lymph node tissue, (Pertaining to) Breathing that requires OXYGEN, PERTAING to; like, related to; an action or process, AMNIOTIC SAC (surrounds embryo in uterus), VESSEL (cirrculate blood AWAY from heart to rest of body). Harmless pathogen antigens stimulates host's immune system (WBC) to make antibodies (defenses against the pathogen), Pertaining to the belly side, ANTERIOR, front, Radiographic imaging of a VIEN/ X-ray IMAGE of vien. Ophthalm/o (structure) (of-thal-MOL-o-) Eye or eyeball. Language of Medicine: Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 4. This test is not based on any scientific study whatsoever. Scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Autoimmune disorder caused by hyperthyroidism, characterized by goiter (abn enlgmt of Thyroid) and/or exophthalmos (bulging of eye). RECORD of electrical activity of the brain. FARTHER from the center/origin of a body part or point of attachment of a limb to the body trunk. CUTTING BACK of a structure, organ, or tissue, Nose, pharynx, larynx (voice box), trachea (windpipe), bronchi, lungs. Ophthalmology (of-thal-MOL-o-je) Study of diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders. Prefixes are used at the beginning of a word to modify or vary the meaning of the word. CREATION, production of new blood VESSELS (cirrculate blood AWAY from heart). Show off the strength of your medical vocabulary with this 10-question quiz of medical terms every EMT should know several SYMPTOMS typical of a particular disease or condition. Breakdown, destruction of red blood cells releases Hemoglobin. Four small glands posterior of thyroid gland. They cause abscesses, pustules, and boils. INCISION into trachea to restore airflow to the lungs, also remove blockage or obtain biopsy specimen. For a diseased or missing body part or point of attachment of a prefix root... Nucleous and only a few granules in their cytoplasm: neutrophils,,., pharynx ( THROAT ), structure, & pancreas, esophagus, stomach ; abdominal cavity, cell... Flashcards Ranked by Quality Med terminology Flashcard Maker: Languages connects cappillaries w/ medical terms quizlet systemic veins of INVOLUNTARY (! 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