Katheryne: If you complete enough commissions each day, you will be eligible to claim a special reward from me. Make Everyday an Adventure! And then I met a crazy-haired free spirit who catapulted me out of my everyday, humdrum life and into a world of adventure. I also believe in choosing more experiences and less things. Set up game night…invite some friends over for an evening full of laughter. I promise you, you can have just as much fun at laser tag, a trampoline park, or even Chuck-E-Cheese if you choose to participate! The Impossible Knife of Memory. Then STOP! Say yes to things you might have previously said no to. Follow us https://youtube.com/channel/UCnNiRz5JD0ly2EPFKey_n8Q It's about us. Searching for love? Road Trip!!!! Here are pictures of the snow we got! For those out there who thrive on competitions, invite your spouse, kids, or even a friend to participate in a challenge! Time is running away with me once again so I will leave you for now and get on trying to tick off my endless list of jobs awaiting me. Are you feeling restless, in a funk, or just plain bored? Yep, you heard me right. And our forays into business have taught us that the life of an entrepreneur is no different. Your stories and your wisdom are just as meaningful as mine. “Instead of trying to make your life perfect, give yourself the freedom to make it an adventure … 60+ Amazing Summer Activities So Your Kids Have The Best Summer - The Everyday Mom Squad. You might be surprised by the talent in your area. For years I believed I wasn’t creative, but I finally took the plunge and started drawing and painting. inspireddecorco. Take advantage of seasonal sports…go skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, four-wheeling, swimming, or play a game of tennis. Try your hand at a different sport, or join your local amateur dramatics group. That’s exactly why you must live your own life of everyday adventures. From the beach to the mountains to home, yoga can be done anywhere! You see…. You don’t have to have a ton of time, many of these are one day adventure ideas! seizing opportunities and taking on life with nothing but passion, enthusiasm and excitement. Not into art? Everyday is an Adventure – Camp Courageous. Find one that supports a cause close to your heart and you will be giving back too! Then my eyes were opened to the truth: Everywhere is somewhere. From shop inspireddecorco. Try surfing, kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, or just look for seashells at the beach. I’m a firm believer that no matter where you live, no matter how much money you have, no matter how many people you know…you can make everyday an adventure! Chase the sunset or get up early and catch the sunrise! And there you have it!! Perform an act of self-love each day. Check out local street art. Leave your online dating profile open-ended. Our point is that every day should be treated as an adventure. Turn the music up loud and have a dance party! The lack of stimulation felt suffocating. Required fields are marked *. Laura also hosts the Re-write The Rules In Your Life interview series where she shares awesome happiness and positivity tips from experts around the world. And don’t forget to pick out a prize for the winner! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Get dressed up all fancy and test out a new restaurant or get out of your normal routine and try some food truck fare. If you try one of these spontaneous everyday adventure ideas or if you plan it in advance, be sure to let me know how it goes! If so, you probably have forgotten skills in project management, delegation, budgeting, and cooperation. Sign up for an online course. And trust me…if getting a fish off a hook for the first time isn’t an adventure, I don’t know what is! Pack your bags and let's explore a world with less stuff and more meaning! Longtime friends, wild stories, and drama, The First Thing You Need to Do If You Want to Change Your Life, If You’re in a Painful Relationship and Considering Estrangement…, How to Let Go of the Need to Control People and Life, What Happened When I Stopped Drinking Alcohol Every Night, Why Judging People Is Really About You (Not Them). Go crazy taking photos and make a digital album when you get home to document your day. We love seeing what goodies our locals have grown and created. Men's Black T-shirt. 64. Overcoming these mental barriers is an adventure in itself that can transform your life. Try your luck at fishing. Try making a new cuisine…Chinese, Indian, Mexican, Thai…or try replicating a dish you had on your last vacation! Mark and I regularly play a fun game of writing out what we’d like life to be like, which led us, after fifteen years living together, to get married and embark on a new adventure. Take a tour at your nearby winery or brewery (and make sure to sample the products…you know for research purposes). Smartprints At Smartprints, our top priority is to provide the best possible service. You can get one at a Dollar Store or buy a fancy one…but it’s a riot trying to get them up in the air for the very first time. Men's White T-Shirt. Try rock climbing. Get out there and experiment, explore, and experience. Turn an everyday couch-side veg-out into a fascinating, inspiring journey into new worlds. More on this favorite family tradition. Look up where you can find your nearest waterfall and get there ASAP! Every Day Is an Adventure. Then head to your local bakery or coffee shop for a treat. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'morethanmainstreet_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',142,'0','0'])); YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Give the gift of adventure: What To Get Someone Who Has Everything: 50+ Experience Gift Ideas! The months slide past until you look up from your desk and suddenly another birthday’s here. Your local bakery, community college, or even pizza joint may offer really fun experiences in their kitchens! “As I discover, everyday is an adventure...so do what ever the Spirit tells you..don't do things out of drudgery or obligation...each day will unfold as it should...stay restful and try not to be in a hurry...there are things that can wait, and things we don't really need at all...don't be a slave to the everyday routine...we've all … Go fly a kite! So you avidly consume programs and articles on fearless adventurers and bold entrepreneurs who risked everything to pursue their dreams. But, there is greater gain in helping others and greater reserves to be found in your heart than in any bank. Two years of commuting busy roads was enough, and by taking a slower route, I discovered a beautiful house to rent on the doorstep of my workplace. More HERE.). You can learn anything from accounting to zoology, often for free, with online universities such as the Khan Academy. Go for a bike ride. (Invite friends.) You see, in between exploring mountains, deserts, and rainforests, and sleeping under a million twinkling stars, were days of hunger, exhaustion, and illness. How Getting Hit by a Bus Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Start Living, If You Think Reaching Your Goal Will Make You Happy…, 5 Guilt Free Ways To Say No Without Offending Anyone (Even If You Hate Conflict). Simple yet rewarding…see how far you can go and challenge yourself to go farther each and every trip. Adventure Every Day is a blog about exploring the places just beyond your front door. In between meeting strangers who became just like loving family members within hours, were days of arguing with officials, being turned away by border guards, and being stoned with rocks in remote valleys with no hope of outside help. You never know what kind of adventure you can get into in this arena, but it’s sure to be a rewarding experience. Today, for the first day in a while, I woke up feeling like I was actually ready for the day. The key is reframing your idea of adventure. I foster hearing dogs, and our darling house guests have given me a much greater insight into the challenges the hearing impaired face. by JM Cox 3 years ago in teacher. Start with the driving range and putting green or even sign up for a lesson. Adventure quotes can help remind you that the world is filled with exciting things to do and see. You never know where or when you can use some more zen in your life. Look up something different…magic, comedy, the ballet! Journal all the positive things you did and said, and all the people you helped. Everyday adventure ideas to combat boredom. Go do karaoke. (I'm excited you're here, can you tell?) Here are a few ways you can have an adventure – every day: Drive a new route to work. Even though uncertainty scares us, it’s a blessing to wake up every morning knowing that we could create the best day of our life. Settled in a relationship? Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. Image by Design by archetype. Everyday Adventures – How to Have an Adventure Every Day. You’ve no idea what you’re capable of until you try. And I swiftly found that opportunities exist to explore and experiment everywhere. Laura Tong is a regular contributor on The Huffington Post and other top blogs. Volunteer! I love searching for fun photos for the gram…but if you happen to stumble onto one, then take advantage!! It's ours. 65. You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Bryce Canyon Glamping: We Stayed in a Conestoga Wagon! Every Day Is An Adventure. History? Read about our road trip to Yellowstone. #breakfast #muesli #morning #greatmorning #eat #fun #funnyvideos #everyday #munch #instagram #instadaily #instagood #insta #instalikes “Adventure is not outside man; it is within.” ~George Elliot. Posted by SGB Media | Jan 11, 2018 | Apparel Today, Feature, Outdoor, SGB Today. If you’re not sure where to start, look up some videos to try on YouTube or sign up for a class. Try an escape room…get a group together and test your skills. Need Help with IBS: It’s stressing me out!!!! eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'morethanmainstreet_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',141,'0','0'])); What does adventure mean to you? Challenge your belief that learning stops after high school or college. Visit your local farmer’s market. Walk the trails, test out the swings, and pack a picnic lunch. You can become an everyday explorer without leaving your home and loved ones behind. Adventurers throughout history have sought personal fame or fortune. Decide where you want to be in five years career-wise, make a plan, and work toward it. World’s largest fire hydrant, cowboy boots, frying pan…we’ve come across some really random things…you just have to look for them! Pizza and a movie…the big game…murder mystery…the possibilities are endless! Everyday Is An Adventure Rating: ★ 5.0 Everyday is an adventure As we live our life Some days are sadly filled with darkness And others, we find the light We learn, grow, build and shape our character We rise up through it all One never knows what will happen Life is totally unpredictable 52 ideas to create adventure in your everyday life…one idea for each week of the year! Dive into your nearby lake, river, or ocean. Don’t let geography be an excuse. Enjoy the life. You can become an everyday pioneer by stepping outside your comfort zone but staying totally inside your safety zone. Every Day is an Adventure Wednesday, March 23, 2016. Don’t leave it to others to choose your destiny. But instead, you end up doing nothing but beating yourself up at your seeming lack of adventurous spirit. See if you can find a local group or explore on your own. Everyday is a Adventure! On November 12, 2018 November 12, 2018 By createdcalledcrowned14 In Lifestyle It had been exactly 40 days since I saw her last…since I got to hug her tight and feel her warm mama embrace. Every day is an adventure as I fill my day with a new craft project and the joy that brings. hatrack4 says: September 21, 2020 at 11:25 am. Almost a year we joined Tom Klocker on his Journey through the Alps, the place he can't get enough of. Being by the water always brightens my mood! Every day is a new adventure - classroom SVG, JPEG, PDF, classroom decor, classroom student motivational sign, classroom decal SteffanDesign. (95) 95 reviews. Try zip-lining, hang-gliding, or maybe sky diving. Have fun with it and do your own photo shoot. Take care and stay safe in these very uncertain times. Offer them a sincere compliment, and make their day. Nullam et tincidunt ligula. Every Day Is A New Adventure. Catch a local sporting event. International Travel with Children: Top Tips to Prepare for your Next Adventure! Though I run this site, it is not mine. Who knew? . Pick an idea from the list that lights your adventure torch. The adventure of learning never stops. Here’s how. Give golf a go! After I’d consistently volunteered to take on more responsibility, my boss generously paid for my professional studies, supporting my career advancement. Yoga!! Every Day is A New Adventure, Inspirational Wall Decor, Custom Home Decor, Office Print, Canvas with Frame Options. We loved hearing the kids say, “Hey Mom and Dad, remember our last vacation?” or “Do you remember my last birthday?” We created a memory with them and that was huger than huge. Rather than oppose change in your company, be the first to embrace it, and see where it can take you. Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window). Well it is that time of year again, where the first snow will begin to fall and then more and more will come, until it is ready to go snowmobiling. We had zero idea what we were doing last summer, but managed to get all the basic supplies we needed for under $30 and had hours of enjoyment. Take a sabbatical from your usual haunts on the weekend and try somewhere unknown. Everyday Is An Adventure Design. It's not about me. Your adventurous spirit can thrive right where you are now. Go for a hike. Hello bloggers! Am I? Take in some local music. This is guaranteed to lift your spirits and put you in a good mood! Attend local food, wine or music festivals; Make your own beer (easier than you think) Take a friend and challenge them to find the best item for under twenty dollars in twenty minutes. Love on the Earth a little by planting some trees, picking up trash, or even learning to compost! Take a cooking class. I believe adventure is a mindset. Pick a country you know little about, and have a theme night. You just need to be open to them. It reminds us, again and again, that as long as we look "out there" for the source of meaning in our lives, we are doomed to wander and wonder. (Just make sure you don’t need any state permits of licenses before you dive in…we just asked the super friendly people where we purchased our supplies!) Click to opt-out of Google Analytics tracking. Create a challenge. I grabbed a piece of pixie powder card from my stash for this one. Sign up for a race- walk, run, bike, or all three and try a triathlon. But picking your own strawberries, blueberries, or apples is a delicious way to spend a day! You can become an everyday pioneer by stepping outside your comfort zone but staying totally inside your safety zone. After ten years of living such a lifestyle, the constant uncertainty and discomfort had lost its allure. Q: Everyone knows there's been a great deal of turmoil in … I love it because every day is different, some days are exhausting but every day is an adventure. Your email address will not be published. Limiting self-beliefs stop one from taking a risk and trying new things. Welcome to More than Main Street!! Don’t go chasing waterfalls. Have you forgotten how to have an adventure? See a show. 2011 First Snow. 6 Responses to EVERY DAY IS A NEW ADVENTURE. GET MORE FUN & INSPIRING IMAGES & VIDEOS. Couples that travel together, stay together longer. Additional information. My wife’s 5:40 alarm went off, originally set for I know not what, and now ritually ignored. Click here to read more. I love hearing from y’all! If you’re close to a Top Golf, that is a ton of fun for even the worst golfer (ahem…me). Try out a new mode of transportation. Actually…do chase them! Make your own cheese; Try a food you’ve never tried before. My life now is way more adventurous (and happier) than before we decided to settle. Pause and take notice of the world around you. Organize a car wash, or put on a local talent show. Everyday is an Adventure Saturday, November 19, 2011. What To Get Someone Who Has Everything: 50+ Experience Gift Ideas. Katheryne: We receive many new commissions every day, and without the efforts of each and every adventurer there is no way we could respond to them all. Get crafty! And even though we have a world record that says we went further than any other fools had gone before, we never knew where our next bed or meal was coming from the whole time. Is within. ” ~George Elliot rope off the side of a toilet roll on personal... Psychiatric treatment get your hands dirty and plant a garden…herbs, flowers, even... ‘ Mindful Nuts ’, where I will be giving back too free, online... World ’ s stressing me out of it book of my book ‘! 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