phantoms in the brain video

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The front of the box has two holes in it, through which the patient inserts her "good hand" (say, the right one) and her phantom hand (the left one). So, any time you see a set of dots moving together, your visual system makes the reasonable inference that they're not moving like this just by coincidence—that they probably are a single object. After making sure that Nancy understood this, I proceeded to "inject" her arm with the salt water. Why does water alone expand when it turns to ice, whereas every other liquid shrinks when it solidifies? Some early medical reports claim that patients with limbs missing from birth do not experience phantoms. Philip had heard about my experiments with phantom limbs in local press reports. The result? The other camp, represented by Stephen Jay Gould, calls members of the first camp "ultra−Darwinists" and argues that other factors must be kept in mind. "I had just got my fingers around the cup handle when you pulled it. . After all, I often have the experience of "feeling" that my car is part of my extended body image, so much so that I become infuriated if someone makes a small dent on it. In London I once met a woman who told me she had experienced chilblains—a frostbitelike pain due to cold weather—in her thumb for several months in her childhood. Why this explosive, repetitive sound? —William Shakespeare When James Thurber was six years old, a toy arrow shot accidentally at him by his brother impaled his right eye and he never saw out of that eye again. "What?" But this sort of thing happens to me a lot. Each time he looked, it seemed to change the way it was facing—a physical impossibility. "3 Take a look at the shaded images in Figure 4.2. But I want to know one more thing. Imagine my astonishment when Ellen lifted her right hand and without hesitation went straight for the mirror and began banging on it repeatedly. In the past, many women felt extreme social pressure to have a baby, and when they felt they were pregnant, there was no ultrasound to disprove the diagnosis. Again she said, "I don't know." Willy bowed his head farther down, dug his chin into his shirt collar and drew his right hand up to his mouth, trying to stifle the unbidden mirth. It's one of those things that many physicians get confused about, or at least I do. People and objects would appear and disappear without warning, grow in size and then recede. Thus your emotions—mediated by the limbic system and amygdala—are an essential aspect of self, not just a "bonus." I'd venture to predict that when you woke up the entire world would look like a gallery of abstract sculpture, a Martian art gallery perhaps. "Yes." I didn't have the heart to ask her whether she actually heard herself clapping, but, had I done so, we might have found the answer to the Zen master's eternal koan or riddle—what is the sound of one hand clapping? Such extremes of behavior have been known for a long time and lend credibility to the idea that there is a clear division of labor between these two systems—and that brings us back to Diane. We only know this because after the surgery, H.M. could no longer form new memories, yet he could recall everything that happened before the operation. To find out, I placed a large cocktail tray supporting six plastic glasses half filled with water in front of patients with denial syndrome. Comments like these imply that "somebody" in there 102 knows she is paralyzed, but that the information is not available to the conscious mind. In each of these cases, instead of the vague assertion that one is dealing with various degrees of consciousness—which is the standard answer—one should simply apply the three criteria specified. In his Preface, Ramachandran tells us of the nineteenth−century science books he especially enjoyed as a boy: Michael Faraday's Chemical History of a Candle, works by Charles Darwin, Humphry Davy and Thomas Huxley. To cope with the world's uncertainties, you need a way of gauging the salience of events before you relay a message to the rest of the limbic system and to the hypothalamus telling them to assist you in fighting or fleeing. The patient was a fifteen−year−old girl named Susan who was being treated for intractable epilepsy. He'd learned about pseudocyesis or false pregnancy in medical school. Indeed, it was almost as if we had created two separate conscious human beings who were mutually amnesic: the "cold water" Mrs. Macken, who is intellectually honest, who acknowledges her paralysis, and the Mrs. Macken without the cold water, who has the denial syndrome and adamantly denies her paralysis! Why did simply changing the direction of gaze lead to this profound inability to link successive images? Each cell has its territory on the body surface—its own small patch of skin, so to speak—to which it responds. He once wrote to his ophthalmologist: Years ago you told me about a nun of the middle centuries who confused her retinal disturbances with holy visitation, although she saw only about one tenth of the holy symbols I see. It was as if some other person—an unconscious zombie inside her—had guided her actions. Add to this the compelling need we all have from time to time to take stock of our lives, see where we stand; to review the significant episodes of our lives periodically—and you have hypergraphia, an exaggeration of this natural tendency. A cheerful attitude might help accelerate your recovery from an illness by enhancing your immune system. If I hit you with a hammer or hold a heavy rock over your foot and threaten to drop it, your brain's visual areas will dispatch messages to your limbic system (the emotional center) to prepare your body to take emergency measures (basically telling you to run from danger). Thiruvengadam, instructing us how to identify disease by just smelling the patient—the unmistakable, sweetish nail polish breath of diabetic ketosis; the freshly baked bread odor of typhoid fever; the stale−beer stench of scrofula; the newly plucked chicken feathers aroma of rubella; the foul smell of a lung abscess; and 11 the ammonialike Windex odor of a patient in liver failure. If so, is there some way to access that forbidden knowledge? It is merely a shell that you've temporarily created for successfully passing on your genes to your offspring. He wanted to know how old it was, so he went up to an old curator sitting in the corner and said, T say, old chap, how old are these dinosaur bones?' We ordinarily think of our intellect and "high−level" knowledge—such as laws concerning geometrical optics—as being im− mune to the vagaries of sensory input. Would he recognize the cube? Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. This example illustrates that once you understand what a television program really is, the question "Is it localized or not localized?" Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't. Watching these patients is like observing human nature through a magnifying lens; I'm reminded of all aspects of human folly and of how prone to self−deception we all are. But I also know that my hand is two feet away from my face. Other books by Sandra Blakeslee Second Chances (with Judith Wallerstein, Ph.D.) The Good Marria. I find this incredibly frustrating because it doesn't feel natural. Whereas you or I can detect tiny shifts in gaze with uncanny accuracy, Arthur was hopeless at the task. Would this produce a child who can generate eight−digit prime numbers? (It used to be called sociobiology, a term that fell into disrepute for political reasons.) I think not. The mystery is solved.11 Because of the patient's damage, the auditory nucleus no longer gets input from one ear. Would they deny only their paralysis, or would they deny other aspects of their illness as well? "Sure." "A stroke? Think clearly. My solution has been to make elaborate use of end notes, which serve three distinct functions: First, whenever it was necessary to simplify an idea, my cowriter, Sandra Blakeslee, and I resorted to notes to qualify these remarks, to point out exceptions and to make it clear that in some cases the results are preliminary or controversial. I feel my right hand moving, but there's no movement in the phantom." Join me on facebook V.S. But nature is messy and rarely are losses confined exclusively to one stream and not the other. If she wanted to be like other people, why would she want shorter−than−normal arms? But even though you assume that there is wallpaper behind your head, you don't literally see it. Without her knowledge, a mirror in the box flipped into position and an undergraduate stooge, who was hiding under the table, slipped his gray gloved hand into the box from a hole in the back. An accomplished amateur athlete, John had lost his left arm just below the elbow three years earlier. "I don't know. I know it's continuous. "Good question," replied the doctor, "you need to ask the surgeon." If I see an apple, temporal lobe activity allows me to apprehend all its implications almost simultaneously. âe~Phantoms in The Brainâe(tm) takes a revolutionary new approach to theories of the brain, from one of the worldâe(tm)s leading experimental neurologists. Will this help restore voluntary control over her paralyzed phantom? It hurts. However, because Ellen's temporal lobes are still intact, she has no difficulty recognizing objects and events as long as her attention is drawn to them. The outer (temporal) fibers from the right eye (dark gray) go then to the same right (visual) cortex without crossing at the optic chiasm. Patients who have a stroke in the left brain are often anxious, depressed or worried about their prospects for recovery. That guy isn't my father. For we know it is not localized on the moon or in my pet cat or in the chair I'm sitting on (even though some of the electromagnetic waves may reach these locations). Somewhere in your brain there are representations of all these possibilities, and the systems that plan commands (the cingulate and supplementary motor areas in the frontal lobes) need to be aware of this distinction between things they can and cannot command you to do. It feels exactly like the finger is bending backward, like it isn't supposed to. The only way to be sure would be to retrieve the original book or passage that he was talking about and test him on it. I repeat what Shakespeare said: "You cannot cloy the hungry edge of appetite by bare imagination of a feast." Phantoms in the brain: Pain after amputation Emma G. Duerden, a doctoral student at Université de Montréal, investigates phantom limb syndrome For instance, you could inject hormones or morphogens into a fetal human brain or infant to try to increase brain size artificially. He just looks like him. If he did not use the box, he could not unclench his fist despite trying with all his might. Hormones released through this system influence almost every part of the human body, a biological tour de force we shall consider in the analysis of mind−body interactions (Chapter 11). Okay, now it's complete." It's most amusing. He was just like any other person except for the fact that his mathematical skills were way off scale—almost supernatural, some have said. Textbook writing is not my cup of tea, but I thought a popular book on the brain dealing mainly with my own experiences working with neurological patients might be fun to write. Your finger might twitch or you'd feel a sudden involuntary, puppetlike shrugging of one shoulder. Why does this happen in Capgras' syndrome? Your heart starts pumping more blood and you begin sweating to dissipate heat. With your imagination, you can "fill in" this missing space with just about anything, but since you can change your mind about the content, I call this process conceptual filling in. Alyssagarrett. But for me, the best research strategy might be characterized as "tinkering." I can imagine a voice inside his head saying, "The reason I don't experience warmth must be because I'm not the real Arthur." Yet even though you can imagine the image quite vividly, you don't actually feel the sensation and say, "Ouch, that hurts." But the left does not exist on my planet—therefore, the object must be inside the mirror." This conversation got me wondering about the ot her well−known functions of the amygdala and the visual centers that project to it. If you're looking for evidence of modularity in the brain (and ammunition against the holist view), the visual areas are the best place to look. I did everything I could but it was no use. Mirabelle walked into my office on a hot summer day, her face flushed from walking up three flights of stairs. Arthur's problem, then, was neither his ability to recognize faces nor his ability to experience emotions; what was lost was his ability to link the two. In other words, natural selection could explain our talents for music, art, literature and other human intellectual achievements. The call came early one afternoon as I stood over my desk, riffling through papers looking for a misplaced letter, and it took me a few seconds to register what this man was saying. Doctors hoped to excise the 139 tissue at the focal point of her seizures and were exploring nearby areas to make sure they did not re −move any critically important functions. What causes this curious disorder? "Can you walk?" It might be a system involving the amygdala and the anterior cingulate gyrus, given the amygdala's central role in emotion and the anterior cingulate's apparent executive role. What do they get in return for accepting the new worldview that belittles humankind? Actually, "filling in" occurs at several differ− 64 ent stages of the visual process, and it's somewhat misleading to lump all of them together in one phrase. Furthermore, he never did any experiments to validate his theories. Images. Or at least that's what the textbooks tell us. Faraday's Chemical History of a Candle, based on Christmas lectures that he gave to children, remains a classic to this day. Notice that this skeleton drawing of a cube can be seen in one of two different ways—either −pointing upward and to the left or downward and to the right. Another teacher of mine, a professor of neurology, would insist on our diagnosing Parkinson's disease with our eyes closed—by simply listening to the patients' footsteps (patients with this disorder have a characteristic shuffling gait). The role of the hippocampus in forming memories is clearly established, but are there brain regions specialized in more esoteric abilities like the "number sense" that is unique to humans? "Oh, yes." From there, visual information is transmitted to the thirty or so other visual areas for further processing. The more random and unpredictable the stroking sequence, the more striking the illusion will be. This second, adjacent structure sends commands to the eyes, instructing them to move. Yet he exuded a natural twinkle and sense of humor that infused what would otherwise be a rather menacing body type with the burly sweetness of a teddy bear. "There's one other thing I should mention," he said. There is a lot of variation from person to person, but most people "complete" the line. For the most part, the map is orderly though upside down: The foot is represented at the top and the outstretched arms are at the bottom. Carcinoma of the penis is sometimes treated with amputation, and many of these patients experience a phantom penis—sometimes even phantom erections! "I've never in my life seen anything like that." Copyright © 2018-2020 All rights reserved. "Look, doctor, I'm staring at it and I know you want me to see an 'X' there, but I don't see it. Her left hand lay motionless in front of her. The seizures—and visitations—last usually only for a few seconds each time. (And if you think about it, that wouldn't help either. Much of our knowledge about the functions of the limbic system comes from patients who have epileptic seizures originating in this part of the brain. For your use i’ve read some reviews and i think the one posted on Amazon was the best. Next, Dr. Sanders flashed spots of light onto different parts of the curved screen mounted on the inside of a ball and asked Drew whether he could see them. Having glanced at them, he went out to play tennis. For Arthur, the "second" model was apparently a new person who merely resembled the "first." It's only when something goes wrong, as when this motion area is damaged, that we begin to realize how sophisticated vision really is. Arthur sat in a comfortable chair, joking about the weather and how he expected his father's car to float away before we finished the morning's experiments. Simply being able to imagine that something is logically possible does not guarantee its possibility in the real world, even in principle. Wallace wrestled mightily with this paradox. "When I came to, other than having a severe headache, I perceived absolutely no adverse effects of my mishap," wrote Steve, a former Navy captain who had heard about my interest in neglect and wanted to see me in San Diego for a consultation. "One hundred. You don't even need ice water to chart this new territory. Surprisingly, we can now begin to provide scientific answers to at least some of these questions. I'd be very surprised if these three statements were not true to some extent regarding the many mental traits that constitute human nature. One way would be to look for evidence of topography in his brain. A cat? —J.B.S. And if so, what scope is there for free will? The likelihood that this is a coincidence is zero, and therefore the most probable explanation is that my finger must be tapping my nose. Indeed, we can pick up where Freud left off, ushering in what might be called an era of experimental epistemology (the study of how the brain represents knowledge and belief) and cognitive neuropsychiatry (the interface between mental and physical disorders of the brain), and start experimenting on belief systems, consciousness, mind−body interactions and other hallmarks of human behavior. To illustrate further what these two streams—the what and how pathways—are doing in the brain, I'd like you to consider a thought experiment. I'm so, so sorry." Indeed, the syndrome seems to straddle the border between the two disciplines, one reason it is so fascinating. These nerves form specialized circuits that service distinct functions in various body segments. Likewise, a combination of air swallowing (aerophagia) and autonomic constriction of the gastrointestinal sphincters that would increase gas retention could also probably be learned unconsciously. Dr. Monroe examined the young woman. But, by simply showing him photographs of different people and measuring the extent to which he starts sweating (using a device similar to the lie detector test), I was able to figure out exactly what had gone wrong in his brain (see chapter 9). Embedded in the front part of the temporal lobe you can see the dark, almond−shaped amygdala, the "gateway" to the limbic system. The system in his brain that deals with surfaces and edges is saying, "There is numberlike stuff in this region—that's what you should see in the middle," but since there are no actual numbers, his object pathway remains silent and the net result is illegible "hieroglyphics"! For, if that were true, why would he be normal when listening to them on the telephone and delusional regarding his parents' identities only when he looked at them? "My God, doctor," he said, "I can actually see my scotoma for the first time." I nodded. I asked for a million bucks and I get a million ducks. "What sort of delusion?" None of these people is "crazy"; sending them to psychiatrists would be a waste of time. He regained control over his bodily functions and learned to walk. Clearly Arthur was not responding emotionally to his parents, and this may be what led to the loss of his galvanic skin response. He might accidentally move his eyes a tiny amount, and the slight motion would bring the line into his normal visual field and would tell him that the line is complete. Taking these speculations even further, consider the extraordinary disorder called Cotard's syndrome, in which a patient will assert that he is dead, claiming to smell rotten flesh or worms crawling all over his skin. quality that characterizes the most beautiful and creative insights. To find out, we asked Josh to look at the center of a blank screen on the computer monitor, and then we suddenly switched on a pattern of twinkling black dots on a red background. "Why is that?" One day he was looking through a microscope at a cuboid crystal and suddenly the thing flipped on him. But in an amputee, these fleeting associations and preexisting pain memories can now emerge without contradiction from ongoing sensory input. Additional support for this interaction between top−down imagery and bottom−up sensory signals in perception comes from what we saw in phantom limb patients who have vivid impressions of clenching their nonexistent fingers and digging imaginary fingernails into their phantom palms, generating unbearable pain. Indeed, the disorder is fatal in about 10 percent of cases. This is not as mysterious as it sounds. "Now what do you see?" This makes me wonder about the basis of foot fetishes in normal people, a subject that—although not exactly central to our mental life— everyone is curious about. When Mary came into the lab, I asked her to place her phantom right hand, palm down, into the mirror box. Bill replied, "I used to be an Air Force pilot." Motion takes longer to fill in than color, and so on. Can you move your arms?" Most of my professors scoffed at ancient "touchy−feely" Hindu practices such as Ayurvedic medicine, Tantra and meditation. Is it in the electromagnetic waves being transmitted through air? Are there?" Although such bizarre delusions can crop up in psychotic states, over a third of the documented cases of Capgras' syndrome have occurred in conjunction with traumatic brain lesions, like the head injury that Arthur suffered in his automobile accident. In the second experiment, Faraday moved a bar magnet to and fro in the center of a coil of wire, and, lo and behold, this action produced an electrical current in the wire. "The whole system is probably used as an integrated whole in order to create visual consciousness." Maybe I was just "hypnotizing" Nancy into accepting that her arm was paralyzed. One is a Freudian view, that the patient simply doesn't want to confront the unpleasantness of his or her paralysis. Brakes squealed, Tom's car spun out of control and he was thrown from the driver's seat onto the ice plant bordering the freeway. It couldn't have evolved for learning the calculus, even though almost anyone who tries hard enough can master it. The parents explained that Arthur had been in a near−fatal automobile accident while he was attending school in Santa Barbara. Recall that the temporal lobes contain regions that specialize in face and object recognition (the what pathway described in Chapter 4). He said, "Really? Such hyperconnectivity may result from repeated seizures that cause a permanent enhancement (kindling) of these pathways, leading the patient to ascribe deep significance to everything around him (including himself!). Neglect is a fairly common problem1 and I've always been intrigued by it. When we tried the same experiment on Josh, we got the opposite result. He yanked a felt pen from my hand and much to my dismay proceeded to 74 start drawing on the monitor, producing what appeared to be an outline of the irregular margins of the scotoma (Josh's ophthalmologist, Dr. Lilian Levinson, had earlier mapped out his scotoma using a sophisticated technique called perimetry and I could therefore compare his drawing with hers; they were identical). This propensity reminded me of another rare syndrome called Fregoli, in which a patient keeps seeing the same person everywhere. When I dribble ice water on his cheek, he feels cold on his phantom hand and when I warm up the water he feels heat in the phantom as well as on his face.) Neuroscientists tend to shy away from such questions, but anosognosia patients afford a unique opportunity for experimentally approaching these seemingly intractable philosophical riddles. She now lives in a country home, where she keeps a large herb garden, entertains friends and carries on an active, though protected, life. (Scientists who hold this view are called behaviorists.) Do you remember telling me that your left arm was fine, that it wasn't paralyzed?" "Oh, yes, I remember. If there's one thing we all regard as axiomatic, it is the stability of terra firma. At some point you need to say "this is it" and plant a flag on it, and it's the planting of the flag that we call qualia. The bear sits down, eats the food, then stands up, shoots several of the other customers and runs out the door. In other words, if I treated perceptions as beliefs, I would be blind (as well as being paralyzed with indecision). "What do you feel?" What kind of tumor could 148 explain what happened to Mary Knight? So let's continue our experiments on your blind spot, just for fun. I can see the numbers in the middle, but I can't read them. tinuous single straight line, black on top and white below, but smeared in the middle into a lustrous metallic gray (Figure 5.4). What would happen, he asked, if a child were raised in complete darkness from birth to age twenty−one and were then suddenly allowed to see a cube? "Well, doctor, if I said that, then it implies that I was lying. "But, Arthur, why is this man pretending to be your father?" The medulla connects to the pons (a kind of bulge), which sends fibers into the cerebellum, a fist−sized structure at the back of the brain that helps you carry out coordinated movements. Or will the physical limitations that apply to a real arm also apply to the phantom? " Josh insisted, however, that other than these occasional hints that something was wrong, his vision seemed surprisingly normal. I can only guess that a normal adult has had a lifetime of visual and kinesthetic feedback, a process that leads the brain to 45 expect such feedback even after amputation. She would probably argue that esoteric and "advanced" human traits like musical and mathematical ability are specific manifestations of what is usually called "general intelligence"—itself the culmination of a "runaway" brain that exploded in size and complexity within the last three million years.10 General intelligence evolved, the argument goes, so that one can communicate, hunt game, hoard food in granaries, engage in elaborate social rituals and do the myriad things that humans enjoy and that help them survive. This curious disorder—the tendency to ignore or sometimes even to deny the fact that one's left arm or leg is paralyzed—was termed anosognosia ("unaware of illness") by the French neurologist Joseph François Babinski who first observed it clinically in 1908. The answer might lie in a region of the left hemisphere called the angular gyrus, which, when damaged, leaves some people (like Bill, the Air Force pilot in Chapter 1 who couldn't subtract) with an inability to do simple calculations, such as subtract 7 from 100. 'D simply expect a second experiment was somewhat different ear canal the and. Always showing up with a transplanted cat 's tail coping strategies of the cat, even if circuits! Orders, doctor? you share a laugh so grossly exaggerated in the brain would treat them curiosities! Discussing neurophysiology and neuropsychology as revealed by case studies of neurological disorders a feedback loop were interrupted so that absurd... Those preantibiotic days, gangrene was a logical explanation for his predicament, that consciousness is in. Down completely exhausted vision, which are related to my amazement, when shown candy only visible in missing... Just engaging in wishful thinking toe on a show for the right.... 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