Document Verification/Medical Examination. 18000+ Questions – Free SSC Study Material. As RRB NTPC is an Online exam so one must attempt the RRB NTPC test series on a regular basis to boost your exam preparation. : Coffin. RRB NTPC Syllabus: Computer Aptitude Test (CABT) The candidates who have opted for Traffic Assistant and Station Master will have to appear for the RRB NTPC CBT Exam. The examination date of RRB NTPC CBT 2 can be introduced by the Indian Railways in time. 30. Radical We know that $x$ is a two digit number hence 89 $\leq$ (9x – 1) $\leq$ 890. So, if you want to succeed in RRB NTPC exam, subscribe to Hranker RRB NTPC Online Test Series and prepare for the exam until selection and increase your chances of selection. Thus, option D is the right answer. RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2020. Hence, the required sum = x + y = 14 + 112 = 126. Question 5: How many two-digit numbers, with a non-zero digit in the units place, are there which are more than thrice the number formed by interchanging the positions of its digits? The class that gets 4 students can be selected in 3C1 = 3 ways. IMPORTANT: RRB EXAM PORTAL is NOT associated with Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) or Indian Railways, For RRB official website visit -, NEW! 90 minutes. Free Online NTPC Practice & Preparation Tests. Aptitude Test / Knowledge Test, Technical / Skill Test: Location: Chhattisgarh : Official Site: ★★ You Can Also Check ★★ NTPC Limited Recruitment Notification: Chhattisgarh Govt Jobs: CGPSC 2021: NTPC ITI Trainee, Diploma Trainee, Assistant Trainee, Lab Assistant Trainee Result 2021. Aptitude Test is applicable to the post of Assistant Station Master. Practice more and more placement papers to strengthen your overall performance in NTPC exam. There are several sessions in this test and the candidate needs to qualify each session for this examination. $\Rightarrow$ $9xy – 1000x – y = 0$ The number of candidates called for the same will be 8 times the number of vacancies. In order to get a hold on the Reasoning section, one needs to practice questions thoroughly with proper accuracy. So, they are cousins. What is RRB NTPC? 2 What will be the mode of Aptitude Test? Therefore, the side of the mat must be $\sqrt{100}$ = $10 cm$. 30. RRB NTPC Result for CBAT ( Computer-Based Aptitude Test): Candidates who qualify the CBT II will become eligible for the CBAT Test. Question 20: Today is Saturday, After 43 days it will be ? Apr 6, 2019 . Question 14: Find the word which should replace (? RRB NTPC Mock Test Free with Solutions based on the latest exam pattern made by the experts. The time duration for RRB NTPC Prelims exam is 90 minutes (120 minutes for PwD candidates). The RRB NTPC 2020 examination comprises of two stages [CBT 1 and CBT 2] in addition to an optional Skill Test/Computer Based Aptitude Test* which is required only for certain candidates. RRB NTPC Computer Based Aptitude Test 2021 Candidates who have applied for the posts of Traffic Assistant and Station Master are required to undergo Computer Based Aptitude Test (CBAT). Total questions asked are 100, comprising of 100 marks. The candidates will undergo 4 stages of the selection process. They should secure a minimum T-Score of 42 marks in each of the test … Hence, we have to check the solution for every divisor of 1000 which is greater than 89 and less than 890. The letter corresponding to the resulting number is written. i.e. RRB NTPC Exam Pattern for Computer-Based Aptitude Test (CBAT) Candidates who qualify in the 2nd Stage CBT and who have applied for the post of Station Master (SM) and Traffic Assistant (TA) will have to appear for this test. 4. There are 5 consonants. ‘c’ comes before ‘d’. Then, he takes a right turn and walks 25 m. Then he takes left turn and walks 8 m. Finally, he takes a left turn and walks 105 m. How far is Pramod from his starting point? Railway NTPC Exam Pattern 2020. Total. Sum of the next 25 odd natural numbers = sum of first 50 odd natural numbers – sum of first 25 odd natural numbers Now, all the 3 balls drawn by Ram can be of black, green, or yellow colour. OnlineTyari provides online mock tests for RRB NTPC (Non Technical) 2019 with latest pattern and syllabus, all RRB NTPC (Non Technical) 2019 mock tests are created with expert input, students can check all India ranks and do proper post test analysis. 4. In this section you can learn and practice Online Aptitude Test Questions that are known to occur in NTPC Recruitment Examination. = 6 ways. Therefore, the final arrangement is ephemeral, epicentre, epidemic, epiglottis, euphemism. Sarah, Peter’s sister has a son Paul and a daughter Max. This number is exactly nine times the product Kishor would have obtained. 6.1 Computer-Based Aptitude Test (CBAT) (Only for candidates who … +91-85588-96644 - or - Request a Call. => Number of ways in which Ram can draw 3 balls such that all 3 of them are not of the same colour = 220 – 15 = 205. Since Ravi is only son of his parents so the photograph must be of Ravi himself. The CBT 1 Exam Date is … RRB NTPC Exam Pattern for Stage 1 & Stage 2 CBT has been mentioned in the tabular form below! Hence, after 42 days it will be Saturday. Free mock test for RRB NTPC 2020 exam with answers. Below is the RRB NTPC Exam patterns for the 1st Stage CBT examination and 2nd Stage CBT examination. New Delhi: The RRB NTPC exam will be held from December 28 till March, 2021. RRB NTPC Computer Based Aptitude Test (CBAT) Computer-Based Aptitude Test is conducted for Station Master and Traffic Assistant while Typing Skill Test is held for Junior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist and Senior Time Keeper The required probability is 205/220 = 41/44. Question 9: Find the option which should replace (? All the candidates who qualify as per the results of RRB NTPC 2020 CBT 1 will be capable of seem in CBT 2. Divisors of 1000, which are greater than 89 and less than 890 = (100, 125, 200, 250, 500) +91-85588-96644 - or - Request a Call. Question 7: A coin of diameter $3 cm$ is thrown on a square mat of area $100 cm ^2$. Wealth : Coffer :: ? RRB NTPC Mock Test plays a crucial role in boosting the preparation for the CBT 1 or CBT 2 Exam. Where b $\neq$ 0. Also, all the years that are multiple of 400 are leap years. How many days after CBT 1 / CBT 1 consequence will CBT 2 be carried out? Therefore, option A is the correct answer. The RRB NTPC Typing Skill Test and the Document Verification/ Medical Examination have been discussed below in this section. of Questions. Search Result for ntpc Question 1: Find the last two digits of the number $67^{225}$. Aspirants must get through all the levels of the recruitment process to get this job opportunity. Typing Test (Skill Test)/Aptitude Test; Document Verification; Medical Examination; RRB NTPC 2020 – Exam Pattern . The selection process of RRB NTPC 2020 includes the following stages: 1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT) 2nd Stage Computer Based Test (CBT) Typing Skill Test or Computer Based Aptitude Test, whichever is applicable ; Document Verification / Medical Examination. What is the probability that all the balls drawn by Ram are not of the same colour? Hence, 2000 is a leap year. RRB NTPC Exam Analysis 12 January 2021, All Shifts: RRB NTPC 2020 phase-1 is coming to its end with one day remaining. General Intelligence and Reasoning. All the balls drawn by Ram can be of the same colour in 5C3 + 4C3 + 3C3 = 10+4+1 = 15 ways. 4, 3, 2, 1, 5 is the correct order. The entire recruitment process of the RRB NTPC 2020 involves a few phases: first, Stage I Computed-Based Test (CBT); second, Stage II Computer-Based Test (CBT), and third, a Typing Skill Test/Computer-Based Aptitude Test.
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